Liliana's stats at nine months:
19 lbs. 6oz. 27.5"
19 lbs. 6oz. 27.5"
- Crawling EVERYWHERE!!
- Still taking 2 naps
- Claps
- Waves "hi" and "bye"
- Pulling self to kneeling and sometimes standing position...especially trying to climb up on Mommy
- Looks up and reaches for Mommy to pick her up
- Loves black beans and peas
- Likes to feed herself and wants to eat whatever we are eating
- Wiggles A LOT on her changing table
- Tries hard to get into Tal's toys
- Has 2 teeth
- Likes to pull Tal's hair and giggle
- Is very ticklish
- Grunts/makes noise to indicate she wants something or to "voice" her opinion
- Signing "more" and starting to occasionally sign "all done"
- Gets a funny/sassy look on her face when you tell her no...definelty testing and learning
- Loves music
- Likes to "walk" when you hold onto her hands
- Starting to have separation anxiety again
- Loves her water cup
- Still has a smile that lights up a room
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