Monday, February 11, 2008


I wish that it was spring and sunny outside.
I wish I would go to bed early.
I wish I liked more sophisticated food than pizza and burritos.
I wish I was better at keeping in touch with friends.
I wish the laundry would fold itself.
I wish I could be a more creative menu planner.
I wish I would be content with my body.
I wish that our neighbors would sell their motorcycle.
I wish that there was a cure for cancer.
I wish I could make pie crust like my mother-in-law.
I wish I was more adventurous.
I wish I would be more organized.
I wish I could sleep on my tummy.


Anonymous said...

i wish it was always spring...cept maybe summer.
you probably go to bed earlier than me.
theres always lasagna
any reaching out is reaching out.
my favorite chores are cleaning the bathroom and folding the a wiz!....
you could always make a bid for your neighbors least to make his/her mouth water.
the cure for death is here.
im close to good pie crust..perhaps its in the gens.. they dont mean it when they say, "i think you need more practice." they just want more.
adventure?... come up to see me!
organized? you need a comparitive.
and....i havent slept on my tummy since i was 12. ... kinda miss it. (started this post at 8:30, everyone called since then.)

Amber said...

You may wish to be all those things... but I love you just the way you are!!!