The latest is: still 4 cm dilated, 90% effaced, -1 station. My Dr. scheduled me to be induced on Sunday morning (if there is room--I have to call at 6am). Since I see him through the Everett Clinic it is never a guarantee that my Dr. will deliver me (they have rotations) so he scheduled Sunday as he is the Dr. on call. While I would not elect to be induced it could be a blessing if Liliana doesn't come before Sunday as I have Group-B Strep and this way I would get the antibiotics needed before going into labor. Since my labor with Talia went very quickly at the end my Dr. is concerned I won't get the antibiotics in time in case this labor goes quick too. Also, my Dr. said that he wouldn't start me on pictocin unless needed, he would break my water first to see if that would jump start things. Please continue to pray for us as we wait Liliana's arrival. Thank you!!!
My new vote is for a Cinco de Mayo baby - that would be a cool day for a birthday!
Feliz Navidades Liliana!
I'm still holding out for today!!!
FYI - just so you know - I am praying that you'll go into labor before induction!
Thank you Heather...I'm a little nervous about the thought of being induced, especially since I'm going to try for another drug free delivery but trust that God is in control and be there with me!
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