Another month has flown by and Lil has been learning all sorts of new things and continuing to master others. I can't believe that she is just two short months away from being a year old!! Here are some of her new/old tricks:
- Pulls self up to standing position and has started to cruise (slowly)
- Pulls off socks (especially when her hands are all messy from eating)
- Shakes her head no when you tell her no or she knows she isn’t supposed to touch or do something
- Loves to play peek a boo, especially in the van with Tal (or Grampa)
- Walks on her knees, usually as she is pushing a toy
- Still has only 2 teeth and takes 2 naps
- LOVES water (to drink and play in)
- Gives hugs and starting to give kisses
- Loves the speaker phone…especially when she hears Daddy’s voice when we leave him messages throughout the day
- Likes blueberries
- Tries to eat the coffee table any chance she can get
- Waves “hi” and “goodbye”
- “Dances” and claps to music
- Sings to music….kind of like a cute little hum
- Objects when I take something she wants away
- Gets into sitting position from her tummy
- Says Mama or Mom & Dada or Dad specifically
Still has a smile that lights up a room
WOW it is amazing that it has already been 10 months. Lil is adorable. You must be so proud of her!!!!
I love how you do this! I wish I had all this stuff recorded for Sam.
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