Friday, July 18, 2008

Flashback Friday~Birthdays

I love birthdays!
Actually any reason to celebrate but I especially love birthdays, including mine. I like to eat cake, open presents and spend time with those I love. So here is a walk down memory lane for a couple of birthdays of mine in my almost 31 years.
Not sure of how old I am here probably 3 or 4 from the outfit & the background. Fun to see that I still have the same cheesy smile.
Summer of 96'~The first birthday Kyle & I spent together...I was turning 19 and we spent the day in Sequim as I was the maid of honor at a wedding. Even though the wedding we attended was a bit of a disaster we still had a good day.


K$ said...

I think by now we can point out to people that you used to date my twin brother Chip before we got together. I would have never worn that sweater.

Whatever happened to the electric guitar he gave you?

Trujess said...

I love the little girl you! You look so adorable!!! that Kyle??!?! That does NOT look like Kyle.

Amber said...

Chip's hair rocks!!!

Abbey said...

Happy Birthday my friend! See you at church and/or BBQ if you're planning on staying... Whatever you do, hope it is tons of fun!! You are loved! (Notice that I did send this ON your b-day...)

Heather said...

I actually had a friend in college named Chip. He didn't wear sweaters like that. Cute pic Carrie!